Sunday, December 30, 2012

Eye of the Tiger

"You fight until you win!" - Bishop McKissick Jr 2012, guess the end of world didn't happen yet. This year had a lot of ups and downs twists and turns. But through it all, I found out a great deal about myself. I have a newfound love for the fields of OBGYN and interesting relationship with the field of surgery. But I still have my passion for the use of OMT in whatever field I practice. As far as my personal life goes, I have made a major step in my life I became engaged to a wonderful woman, met some incredible people, and had some great triumphs in 2012. I did have my share of setbacks also, I still have my struggle with my weight that I have to overcome with proper eating habits. I still have an overwhelming amount of material in the field of medicine to learn. I have my books to finish writing. But through it all I am more motivated now more so than ever because I have learned to fight! I have learned that I do not give myself enough credit for the strength I possess. Even though I am not where I want to be I am excited about the potential I have at my fingertips. As 2012 comes to an end the New Year's resolutions will be rolling in. I would like to propose a commitment to all of you. Its simple really. As you can see from my opening quote. I want us all to be fighters. Fight for your life, fight your future, fight your family. Make 2013 the year of the fight, don't let the naysayers, the haters, the doom criers deter you from your life. You fight through the blocks, because only you can get to your future. Fight the good fight friends. Doctors orders! -- Doc Q