Thursday, January 28, 2010

Black Films

So why do most of the black films, with the exception of a few, contain drug and gangsta themes? Do we not have more to offer the cinema industry? Or is that all that will be associated with black films? Again, I know this is not ALL black films, i.e. Tyler Perry's productions, Spike Lee Joint. However, is this how we truly envision ourselves? A society of hoodlums? Or is that all that Hollywood wants to show? I believe the latter personally. I am pleased that black actors and actresses are getting better roles and better films. But it still bothers me that out of all the films Denzel Washington has done(42 films to be exact). He had only received an Oscar for Training Day, which in my opinion was not his best work. But I am glad he won (he also won best supporting actor for Glory).

I want to see black films grow and put up over a hundred million box office figures. I just do not want it to be for portraying negative actions. If we want negative stereotypes of blacks we can watch Fox News. I believe that black films will continue to grow and we will have more quality films. But only time will tell.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am feeling a bit philosophical today. It is in part due to the new ethics courses I am taking this semester. It is interesting or better yet intriguing to hear various people from various backgrounds debate and discuss ethical issues concerning the world of science/medicine. What I have learned on the whole, we all are somewhat agreeable to broad ideals of "Do the Right Thing" (shout out to Mr. Lee). However, there are issues or circumstances in which people have firm unwavering stances. For example someone may feel that stray animals should be euthanized because their existence is too miserable? But then again are we to judge? Or is it a cruel life for them? I believe the life of stray cat or dog is indeed hard and they need to be cared for. But who are we to judge that they are unfit to live? What if we were to do the same with homeless people? I think there would be outrage. I certainly would be. But I digress…ethics…what is it? And how come it is not until AFTER we hear about a tragedy or some wrong doing that we bring up the "ethics of the matter"? I just find it disturbingly amusing that nobody raises any ethical concerns before the shit hits the fan? (i.e. Wall Street's corrupt business practices that landed us in a wonderful recession). Perhaps that would require doing the "uncool" and "unpopular" thing of going against the popular trend. But when the world is heading towards a cliff, someone should shout watch out or something.

Another point I am beginning to learn, is that the details within these broad "good" ideals are indeed the stumbling blocks; such as logistics, financial, practicality, etc. And that is where the debate begins. And these stumbling blocks can grow into road blocks, which then nothing we be accomplished. Whether it be someone who is unwilling to listen, or compromise; or someone who will take an opposing stance just out of spite or hatred (i.e. Rush Limbaugh hates everything Obama ever does). The essentials of ethics seem to stand on the overall basic ideal that doing the right thing, is indeed the right thing. Then we must ask what is the right thing? And are we doing it? If not, why?

Work Like Everything Depends on You. Pray Like Everything Depends on God.

- Doc Q