Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today is the day where we sit down around the table and enjoy a large meal with friends and family. We watch the parade on TV in the morning, cook all day, watch football in the evening and then early to bed and early to rise to do battle for Black Friday door busting sales!...I want to take a pause from the holiday madness to sit back and reflect about the meaning of this year and what I am thankful for. In 2009, I am thankful for a plethora (means alot) of people and things. First and foremost, this year has blessed me so much. I have to give all thanks and honor to my Heavenly Father for all that He has done for me. I do not deserve all the blessings, Grace and Mercy he has shown me. I am thankful for wonderful lady in my life, my future wife, Lisa. I am thankful for my family who have supported me in my endeavors and believe in me and my dreams to become a great physician. I am thankful for my friends, new and old, all of whom have been the greatest treasures of my life. I am thankful for my friends at school and thankful to be in school and have money in a recession! So to everyone...what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Work Like Everything Depends on You, Pray Like Everything Depends on God.

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